Rent or buy? Do you need an instrument?
In order to meet the different needs of our customers, we offer different options for purchasing or renting an instrument:
Purchase with right of return
When you buy an instrument from us, we undertake to take your instrument back if you should give up playing within the first twelve months. The invoice amount will be paid back, minus the use rent, the same as for rent-purchase.
Rental agreement
The BLASHAUS has a limited number of second-hand brass instruments in perfect condition which can be rented for 3 to 12 months.
If a new instrument is purchased at a later date, the first three months will be credited in full and half of the other nine months.
Rent-purchase agreement
A) You rent an instrument for up to twelve months. The monthly rent is based on the value of the instrument and is credited in full at the time of purchase. After payment of the balance, the instrument becomes the property of the renter. The minimum rental period is three months.
B) If after twelve months you are not yet in a position to decide whether to buy or return the instrument, you have the option of extending the contract by six months. In the case of purchase, the rent for the second half of the year will be credited in full.
B) If after twelve months you are not yet in a position to decide whether to buy or return the instrument, you have the option of extending the contract by six months. In the case of purchase, the rent for the second half of the year will be credited in full.